nicky muizelaar





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news . . .

I am an artist who aspires to capture the wonder of people and the natural world and convey to the observer the same sense of fascination that an image inspires in me.
My working style is predominantly representational and I continually strive to produce dynamic, narrative drawings and paintings through the use of expressive line and carefully considered colour and composition. The study of light is my primary focus because it not only influences the myriad of colours we can see, but also indicates tonal values which in turn reveal line, texture and three dimensional shape. Varying combinations of colour, line, texture and shape impart character, atmosphere, mood and/or emotion to my paintings.
My work in drawing media exemplifies my belief that skilled drawing is the foundation of accomplished artistic expression. I especially love the elegance and romance of monochromatic drawings. I have always held a fascination for the fluid and inherently transparent medium of watercolour which beautifully captures luminous colour.
Alongside commissioned work I am currently working on a series of evocative Neolithic British landscapes featuring stone monuments such as dolmens and stone circles, a subject matter choice born out of my interest in the connection between geological landscapes and ancient human history.

The next exhibition I will be attending is at the Little Dewchurch Art & Craft Fair on the 16th November.

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Website design, text, art and photographic images © Nicky Muizelaar 2013. All rights reserved. No image may be used without the written consent of the artist.